Friday, February 3, 2012

Organize It Friday: OrgJunkie's 29 Day Challenge

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2012 has brought on brand new goals for me. One of the goals it to become more organized. It is definitely a work in progress for me and my entire family. I am quickly learning that if you don't get the family involved in helping that staying organized is extremely hard. My husband loves that I am in an organizing and getting rid of stuff kick. He doesn't help with the initial process mainly because he knows I like it, which is perfectly fine with me. The problem....he doesn't always help keep everything organized once it's done, which makes me often feel like I'm starting over. He's getting better but for him, he doesn't have the desire to organize, so it will naturally take him longer to get used to the systems I have put in place. I just need to be patient. LOL!

One area of our house that has not been organized since we moved in (and is NO fault to TJ's) is my craft room. I've never had a craft room before, so I've never had any furniture or storage for my craft room before. We are currently in the process of building a craft desk (be on the lookout for that post this month). That should be done soon in this week. And then the organization can begin! Nothing has really been taken out of boxes and what few items have just begin to pile up on my sewing desk and book shelf. I will definitely have more containers and storage items that I will need to pick up but my goal is to do organize the room with the smallest budget I can.

Browsing around some of my favorite organizing blogs, I spotted OrgJunkie's 29 Day Challenge. It started Feb 1st but it's not too late to join in! The Challenge is simple: you have 29 days to focus on decluttering and organizing one room in your house that deseperately needs help (and let's face it, almost all of us have at least one room). February 1st started with posting some before pictures (oops, I'm starting just a few days late. Well not really. I took the photos on the 1st but am just posting them today). If you're uncomfortable posting before pics, you don't have to do this post, but you will need them for the final reveal. Click here to see all the rules, link up dates and prizes (yup, there are prizes!) There is also a calendar you can download to help you remember the link up dates.

And now, for my dreaded before pics. Please don't judge me. HAHA!

Now that you've seen my before pics, keep coming back each Friday to see my In Progress pictures, and if you decide you want to participate in the challenge as well, let me know and I'll cheer you on along the way!


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